Last year, Passerinvest Group a.s. placed two beehives on the rooftop garden of the Delta building. The local diverse greenery in Brumlovka, parks and the nearby Krč Forest provide the bees with a diverse source of food. Thanks to these favourable conditions, the bees are doing well here, as evidenced by this year’s flow of spring honey. Twenty litres of flower honey were harvested.

Delicious honey from Brumlovka brought joy to the Letokruh Seniors Association, neighbours residing in Prague Brumlovka and it also serves as a prize for competitions for the public.

“We are very happy that the bees are doing well here in Brumlovka, which is evidenced by the amount of honey obtained. We worked with experts for a long time to choose an appropriate environment for the placement of the hives and it turns out that we chose correctly. Promoting local biodiversity is one of the goals of our long-term strategy and we believe that the bees will continue to thrive here. We are now further analysing the project and considering its further expansion in both the number of hives and the degree of education and support for beekeeping,” said Martin Unger, Technical Director of Passerinvest Group.

However, the benefits of bees are not limited by the boundaries of Brumlovka, but far surpass them. The bees based in Brumlovka contribute to the pollination of plants within an area of several kilometres.

One bee colony can be made up of up to 60,000 bees in summer months. The main bee products include propolis and honey, which is valued both for its taste and for its composition. It contains healthy substances, minerals and many vitamins, including B1, B2 and C. Honey is a traditional part of Czech meals and can be enjoyed with warm milk before bed, in various desserts, traditionally on bread with butter or just on its own.

The Czech Republic is among the top in the EU in bee breeding. Ranked per capita, more than 60 thousand breeders place us in the upper echelons of the European rankings, as does the number of bee colonies in relation to the size of the country. In the Czech Republic, over the long term there have been 8 bee colonies per square kilometre.

It is possible to see how the bees in Brumlovka are thriving on two web cameras: 

What’s happening in front of the hive

Life inside the hive

The investor of this project is Passerinvest Group, the full service and operation is provided by Softech, headed by RNDr. Pavel Mach. The care of the bees is provided by experts from

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