The fourth instalment of the autobiographical tetralogy, 3 and ½ Years from the successful Czech investor, urban developer, football lover and above all Christian, Radim Passer, captures the events in his business, spiritual and personal lives, this time in the years 2010 to 2013, a period that was one of the most important in his life. It was a period of important strategic steps in the restructuring of his company Passerinvest Group, coming to terms with his divorce and finding a woman with whom he could once again build a stable family life. Radim Passer’s life story is an open testimony to the interconnection between business and politics, looking for the strength to forgive those who tried to take his life and those who took away his personal happiness. The fourth part of his autobiography is available from 4 February in bookshops or on the web pages


Just like in the three previous books capturing his life from 1998 to 2009, Radim Passer, describes everything completely openly and candidly. Radim Passer’s books are a remarkable peek into the life of a successful businessman and a testimony of the path to the Lord Jesus Christ.


I conclude my open testimony to my life’s battles in the years 2010 to 2013 in the fourth part of the tetralogy. That was one of the most important periods for me. I stood before key decisions that significantly changed both the directions the company and my personal life took. In the last part of the book, I also answer many of the questions that come into careful readers’ minds when reading all the previous parts. These are primarily answers to the questions if it is possible to do business honestly when surrounded by corruption. How interconnected is business and politics? Is it possible to forgive people who committed illegal acts against you and tried to take your life? Where to find the strength to forgive those who took away your personal happiness?
The book is primarily a testimony to my daily search for God’s will and the desire for as many people as possible to open their hearts to God’s love and grace,”
stated Radim Passer.


The fourth part of Radim Passer autobiographical tetralogy is called 3 and ½ Years or God’s Love Victorious (3 a ½ roku aneb Boží láska vítězí) and it can be purchased in bookstores or on the website A limited edition gift box with all four books in the autobiographical series entitled 3 and ½ Years (3 a 1/2 roku), in which Radim Passer tells the story of his life from his youth until reaching the age of fifty, is also available.


Books by Radim Passer

3 and 1/2 Years or the American Dream in Bohemia (3 a 1/2 roku aneb americký sen v Česku)

3 and 1/2 Years II or with Faith and Determination (3 a 1/2 roku II aneb s vírou a odhodláním)

3 and 1/2 Years III or Highs and Lows (3 a 1/2 roku III aneb pády a vzestupy)

3 and 1/2 Years IV or God’s Love Victorious (3 a 1/2 roku IV aneb Boží láska vítězí)

Park Drama of Ages (Park Drama věků)

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