We invite you to a beautiful concert full of famous melodies. Stop for a moment in the pre-Christmas fever and enjoy a few minutes of musical peace. Children are also welcome.

When:  December 14, 2023 from 6 pm  to 7:30 pm 

Where: the main hall of Community Centre Bethany, Za Brumlovkou 1519/4, Prague 4

Entry is voluntary. 


Soňa Godarská, soprán

Vratislav Kříž, baryton

Karel Palowski, trubka

Lenka Navrátilová, klavír


  • A. Charpentier Preludium z oratoria Te Deum
  • F. Händel Let the Bright Seraphim
  • W.A. Mozart árie Figara
  • A. Mozart Alelujah
  • Dvořák Biblické písně (výběr)
  • Ph. Telemann Air de Trompette
  • Dvořák árie Vodníka
  • Dvořák árie Rusalky
  • Franck Panis Angelicus
  • Maurice Greene Trumpet Tune
  • Gomez Ave Maria
  • Schubert Ave Maria
  • L. Weber Pie Iesu

We are looking forward,

Marketing Team, Passerinvest Group, a.s.

Note: The event organizer, Passerinvest Group, a.s., will take a photographic, video  and audiovisual records at this event.