Budova Brumlovka Building

The Brumlovka Building, built in 2007, offers a total of 6,000 m2 on three aboveground and three underground floors. The building’s anchor tenant is the modern fitness and wellness centre Balance Club Brumlovka, which occupies 80% of the total space. The building also features a retail arcade with restaurants of various types and other shops. The building’s strong design is by Jan Aulík of Aulík Fišer Architects, s.r.o. the primary architects of Brumlovka locality

    • 140 parking spaces
    • Balance Club Brumlovka fitness and wellness center
    • 25 meter swimming pool
    • Česká spořitelna cashpoint
    • OK POINT/mBank - branch and cashpoint
    • Restaurants, shops, services, health food shop
    • Children’s play area
    • Bus stop – Brumlovka
    • Car Wash
    • Owner and property: Koncern PASSERINVEST
    • Contact to Building Property and Security Desk: +420 778 406 344, + 420 773 775 955, parkingbrumlovka@email.cz 
    Shops and services
    Transport accessibility

    02 HUB Café
    Za Brumlovkou 266/2, Praha 4
    Albert supermarket
    Želetavská 1525/1, Praha 4
    Aluprof - aluminium systems showroom
    Michelská 58, Praha 4
    behind the Filadelfie building
    AlzaBox - pick up point
    Za Brumlovkou 266/2, Praha 4
    Anthony´s - men´s clothing
    Vyskočilova 1422/1a, Praha 4
    arena shop
    Vyskočilova 1100/ 2, Praha 4
    ASKO – design showroom of premium home appliances of Scandinavian quality
    BetaVyskočilova 1481/4, Praha 4
    Athletic stadium
    Na Schodech, Praha 4
    Automyčka Collection - car wash
    Vyskočilova 1100/2, Praha 4
    Baar Park
    Želetavská 1525/1, Praha 4
    Baifu - sushi bar
    Za Brumlovkou 266/2, Praha 4
    Balance Club Brumlovka - fitness a wellness
    Vyskočilova 1100/2, Praha 4
    Beetle – kinetic art installation of Porsche 911
    Vyskočilova Street by the Alpha office building
    Bethany Community Centre
    Za Brumlovkou 1519/4, Praha 4
    Better Barber – men's barbershop
    Želetavská 1525/1, Praha 4
    Bianco & Rosso - italské delikatesy
    Vyskočilova 1100/2, Praha 4
    Vyskočilova 1422/1a
    Blocks - pick up point
    Želetavská 1525/1, Praha 4
    Body Express
    Želetavská 1525/1, Praha 4
    Brumlovka Children Playground
    Park Brumlovka
    Brumlovka Park
    Brumlovka Park
    Cantina & Café La Fresca – canteen
    Želetavská 1525/1, Praha 4
    Cebia - vehicle history check
    Vyskočilova 1461/2a, Praha 4
    Charging station
    Duhová/U Pomníku
    Charging station
    Charging station
    Za Brumlovkou 1559/5
    Charging station
    Budova DELTA (underground public parking)
    Charging station
    Children`s playground
    Baarova 360, Praha 4
    Coffee Perk
    Vyskočilova 1100/2, Praha 4
    Costa Coffee
    Vyskočilova 1481/4, Praha 4
    Dentique - dental centrum
    Hodonínská 1595/1
    Dhaba Beas - Indian restaurant
    Vyskočilova 1481/4, Praha 4
    Vyskočilova 4
    dm drugstore
    Želetavská 1525/1, Praha 4
    Dog off-leash area with agility elements
    Brumlovka Parc
    Don Pealo - convenience store
    Vyskočilova 1100/2, Praha 4
    Elijáš Christian High School
    Baarova 360 140 00 Praha 4-Michle
    Elijáš Christian Kindergarten
    Za Brumlovkou 1519/4, Praha 4
    Elijáš Christian Primary School
    Baarova 360/24, Praha 4
    Ellen G. White Square
    Vyskočilova street by the administrative Budova B building
    FLEKSI Beta – coworking and shared offices
    Vyskočilova 1481/4, Praha 4
    FLEKSI Budova B – coworking and shared offices
    Vyskočilova 1422/1a
    FLEKSI Filadelfie – coworking and shared offices
    Želetavská 1525/1
    GENIUS Olivka Kindergarten
    Hodonínská, Praha 4
    Goodlunch Alpha - canteen
    Vyskočilova 1461/2a, Praha 4
    Goodlunch Delta - canteen
    Za Brumlovkou 1559/5
    Grosseto Ristorante Pizzeria
    Vyskočilova 2, Praha 4
    Health center - Health+
    Jemnická 1138/1
    Inner courtyard of the Budova B bulding
    Vyskočilova 1422/1a, Praha 4
    Želetavská 1525/1, Praha 4
    KITSTORE - LEGO® bricks
    Vyskočilova 1422/1a, Praha 4
    Vyskočilova 1100/2, Praha 4
    Lemon Pharmacy
    Želetavská 1447/5, Praha 4
    Lens Optik
    Vyskočilova 1100/2, Praha 4
    Mandala Montessori - didactic toys
    Vyskočilova 1100/2, Praha 4
    Mango - Chinese restaurant
    Želetavská 1525/1, Praha 4
    Maranatha - health foods
    Vyskočilova 1100/2, Praha 4
    Maranatha - vegetarian restaurant
    Vyskočilova 1100/2, Praha 4
    Meera Design
    Želetavská 1525/1, Praha 4
    Moneta Money Bank - cashpoint
    Vyskočilova 1422/1a, Praha 4
    MUDr. Denis Krupka - dentist, dental hygienist
    Za Brumlovkou 266/2, Praha 4
    Multifunctional sports court
    Baarova 360, Praha 4
    OK POINT/mBank - branch/cashpoint
    Vyskočilova 1100/2, Praha 4
    OX Point pick up point
    Public parking,, Za Brumlovkou St.
    Vyskočilova 1461/2a
    Hodonínská, Praha 4
    Perfect Canteen Moneta Money Bank
    Vyskočilova 1422/1a, Praha 4
    Public surface parking
    ul. Za Brumlovkou
    Public surface parking
    street ŽELETAVSKÁ
    Public surface parking
    Společenské centrum Bethany, ul. Za Brumlovkou
    Public underground parking
    Vyskočilova 1100/2
    Public underground parking
    Želetavská 1525/1
    Public underground parking
    Michelská 1552/58
    Public underground parking
    Za Brumlovkou 1559/5
    Vyskočilova 1461/2a, Praha 4
    Želetavská 1525/1, Praha 4
    Radka Chvalová Beauty Studio
    Želetavská 1525/1, Praha 4
    Relaxation zone by Baar Park
    Baar Park entrance in between the Villas and Budova D building
    Reprographics Centre ČEZ
    Duhová 2, ground floor
    Rest elements in the Želetavská street
    Želetavská street
    roast & grill bistro
    Želetavská 1525/1, Praha 4
    Romantika Florist
    Želetavská 1525/1, Praha 4
    Sushi Time
    Želetavská 1525/1,140 00 Praha 4
    Tenis courts
    Vyskočilova 944/6, Praha 4
    The Brumlovka Square
    Vyskočilova 100/2, Praha 4
    Tlap's Coffee
    Želetavská 1525/1, Praha 4
    Turnovská pivnice
    Vyskočilova 1561/4a
    UGO - fresh and salad bar
    Vyskočilova 1481/4, Praha 4
    UniCredit Bank - banking/cashpoint
    Želetavská 1525/1, 140 00 Praha 4
    Urosanté - urology and andrology centre
    Želetavská 1447/5, Praha 4
    We Hate Ironing
    Želetavská 1525/1, Praha 4
    Z-box - pick up point
    Za Brumlovkou 266/2, Praha 4
    Z-BOX Zásilkovna
    U pomníku street
    Papýrek shop, Alpha building
    Zrno Zrnko
    Vyskočilova 1422/1a, Praha 4