Construction due to the Pražská teplárenská heat pipe demage  – traffic measures at the intersection of Vyskočilova, Václava Sedláčka and Želetavská streets
The ruptured pipe under the intersection will be replaced. In order to minimise interference with the operation of the Vyskočilova Street, the repair will be carried out using side underground entrances in Václava Sedláčka and Želetavská Streets.  Partial traffic restrictions will be imposed,  functionality of the entire intersection and the passability of Vyskočilova street will remain.
Estimated work schedule:  July 1, 2023 – July 31, 2023.

Construction of the Hila building – traffic measures in Jemnická and Telčská streets
Due to the relocation of heat and water pipelines in Jemnická street, traffic measures will be implemented in Jemnická and Telčská Streets. Due to the new route of pipelines in the axis of Jemnická Street, this street will be fully closed.
Estimated work schedule: July 10, 2023  – September 30, 2023 

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